We are spiritual beings creating and sharing a human experience. Why do things happen? I was so happy that day. My cup of joy and happiness was over flowing. I then got a message in my inbox. I read it and I at first took offense. I was hurt. I scaled it and realized it was a 1 1/2 out of 10. As I began to write a response, my thoughts made the 1 1/2 go up to a 3. I trained myself to know when I am negative. I used my healing HOPE Therapy technique and it went down to a zero. I thought to myself. Is this person tanking me? Did their day go so bad they must tank me? But why would I project this? I did it because a program inside of me kicked in. Am I doing the right thing? Am I bothering people? Completely unaware of it, so I projected it out into the world (energy cords and we have lost of them good and bad) to mirror back at me. It was up to me to decide how I was going to respond to it. I once read.
Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it. Lou Holtz
Here is the letter and you tell me how you would respond?
I have 11 posts from you so far on my wall today which means I have to keep scrolling and scrolling to find the messages from my other friends. Are you feeling small and therefore wanting to post and post so that you will feel more heard? I have felt that way before. I can relate but the kingdom of God is within you.
So tell me how you would respond?
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