What clue did I see today? This is what stuck out like a sore thumb. I noticed a show called “what I like about you” Val has bad luck with getting married. She can’t allow herself to be happy. Her sister Holly is always happy but represses her emotions. Val is about to get married to a man she really loves but is looking for the shoe to drop. Holly has the love of her life to move away.
As I examine this I noticed that they are attaching. Val has love with grief. Holly has happiness with no feeling. My in my daily world this girl said I am depressed and sad. I can’t understand why I feel this way. I normally feel happy. As I listened to her, she believes she doesn’t have any friends. All I heard to ask her was. Do you not have friends because you choose that or because they choose to not be friends? Her look explained that she didn’t think of it that way.
Hope therapy Reading:
We found a pattern. She took out joy out of life. There is only joy when she thinks it is fun. Everything else in her life is work with misery. There can’t be any joy in this. She has taught herself to look for the misery to make sure to see if this is fun or work. If it is work she goes into the feeling of frustrations, stubbornness, listen to the ego complaining, thinking of how can I get out of this. What happened to her physically? All those chemical peptides that her thoughts made are built up. She now has a cold, coughing, sneezing, running nose, tired, and can’t focus.
What we did then was help her consciously notice the pattern of how she thinks. That she has taken out the joy in things. She gets to choose again. People think great now things will work out. Not really. If the pattern has built up to become chronic then when you switch thoughts and give yourself a pep talk you will back slide. Your brain has been programmed to hold that negative pattern. You need to do more then just choose again. You first have to consciously be aware of the pattern. Next is give her an essences like Tree, Bach, FES, or Australian bush. Then I give them the tool of EFT – Emotional Freedom technique. I then have them sit in front of me and would do EHT and hold the pulse points while I talk them through from detaching them from the outcome, the stronghold of that belief and limited decision.
Because her body has become sick. If the degree is a cold and can handle then nothing. If the symptoms are really bad then I make a customized homeopathic. I would check her pH Balance and if it is a little low then suggest eating more alkaline foods. If the pH Balance is really low then I suggest them on a different program. If it is chronic and the terrain has been infested with colonies of fungus, parasites, bacteria, or viruses then it is highly suggested that they use a customized homeopathic that will address those issues.
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